Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Best Characters For Beginners

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Best Characters

Presenting a comprehensive analysis of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, with its vast array of 82 characters, newcomers may find it quite challenging to select an optimal starting character. For novices, Mario, Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf prove to be excellent choices as they offer balanced gameplay mechanics and easy-to-learn movesets. Each character boasts a unique playstyle, be it through skillful combos (Mario), impressive speed and power (Captain Falcon), or brute force (Ganondorf). Players can align themselves with a character that complements their preferred style of play.

Mario: An All-Rounder Emphasizing Combo Mastery

It comes as no surprise that the iconic Nintendo mascot, Mario, serves as an ideal starting point for newcomers to Smash Ultimate. As a well-rounded character, Mario combines solid speed, power, and recovery capabilities. Whether employing pesky fireballs, executing lightning-quick Back Air attacks, unleashing crushing Up Smashes, or savoring the sheer satisfaction of a well-timed Forward Air strike, Mario epitomizes versatility.

Furthermore, Mario’s repertoire boasts exceptional combo potential, largely due to his swift Up Air move. Thus, not only does he adeptly teach the fundamentals of Smash, but he also offers a high skill ceiling for players to explore once they have mastered his basics.

Captain Falcon: Incarnation of Speed and Power

Irrespective of a player’s expertise level, selecting Captain Falcon, the esteemed Nintendo racer, is a foolproof choice. With a straightforward moveset, mastering Captain Falcon’s repertoire in various scenarios becomes an effortless endeavor after only a few rounds of play.

Blessed with substantial launching power and decent recovery abilities, beginners shall not find themselves lacking in any particular area. Despite having to acclimate to slightly longer start-up times and occasional whiffs, these minor sacrifices pale in comparison to the ease of commanding this simple yet devastating character.

Ganondorf: A Forceful Sword-Wielder

Although Ganondorf’s recovery capabilities leave room for improvement, he stands as an excellent option for those yearning to deliver powerful blows across the battlefield. Armed with a mighty sword, Ganondorf’s Smash attacks rank among the most formidable, boasting remarkable range in both his Forward and Up Smashes.

However, it is essential to recognize that Ganondorf’s moves, while potent, also carry a considerable cooldown period. This limitation hinders his ability to keep pace with the swifter characters in the roster. Nonetheless, for newcomers finding themselves embroiled in chaotic 8-player Smash matches, Ganondorf emerges as an enticing choice.

Sonic: Unmatched Speed Personified

Sonic, though initially challenging to control, offers players the exhilarating opportunity to embrace unparalleled speed. As long as one acknowledges that they are selecting a character based on speed, navigating Sonic becomes a manageable task. Moreover, the character presents simple yet effective attacks ideally suited for beginners.

The blue blur serves as an excellent choice for individuals seeking to make a significant impact with minimal effort. By maintaining constant motion and seizing opportunities to strike, players shall emerge as formidable contenders on most stages.

Bowser: A Startlingly Nimble Heavyweight

In the vast realm of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario’s arch-nemesis, Bowser, emerges as a formidable contender for the title of the best and most user-friendly heavyweight character. Despite his brawny build, Bowser surprises opponents with unexpectedly swift attacks that maintain an impressive balance between speed and power. Notably, his Up Special serves as an excellent “get off me” option, while his forward air delivers a particularly potent aerial assault.

Bowser’s grappling prowess further solidifies his combat prowess, as his Side Special allows him to seize opponents and forcefully slam them to the ground. This maneuver often proves fatal even at shockingly low percentages, especially when performed on stages graced with platforms.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate Best Characters

Pokemon Trainer: A Glimpse of Versatile Play Styles

At first glance, the selection of Pokemon Trainer may appear counterintuitive, as it grants access to three distinct movesets. However, the beauty of this choice lies in the opportunity to explore the vast array of characters represented in the roster while honing one’s skills in each style of play.

Squirtle, the smaller and swifter character, offers agility and speed, while Ivysaur provides ranged options for strategic engagements. On the other hand, Charizard embodies a burly and powerful fighter. Embracing one of the Pokemon companions allows beginners to gain insight into the types of characters they might enjoy.

Ike: The Aerial Game Commander

Though the pantheon of Fire Emblem sword-wielders in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate includes notable contenders like Roy and Chrom, Ike stands out as slightly more accessible due to the formidable strength and extended range of his sword. His phenomenal Neutral and Forward Airs grant him exceptional control over the aerial dynamics of any match. Additionally, Ike boasts two recovery options in his Forward and Up Specials, effectively teaching players to select the appropriate maneuver based on the situation.

Furthermore, Ike ranks among the most potent swordfighters in the cast, wielding devastating kill power. A single well-timed Forward Tilt or Up Air can spell the untimely demise of an opponent.

Toon Link: An Underappreciated Link Variant

Among the plethora of swordfighters available in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Toon Link offers a unique and floatier option, complemented by an array of diverse weapons. This character is forgiving for beginners while simultaneously showcasing more complex move options.

While relying on Toon Link’s fundamental moves ensures a satisfactory performance, the allure of employing his full toolkit motivates players to improve with every encounter. Opinions vary, but some may argue that Toon Link represents the most rewarding choice among the Link variants to play.

Samus / Dark Samus: Masters of Projectile Warfare

For those drawn to the art of hurling projectiles and dominating from a distance, Samus and Dark Samus stand as peerless contenders. Armed with their versatile Charge Shot and pesky homing missiles, these characters can blast opponents off the map without the need for close-quarters combat.

However, should adversaries manage to close the distance, Samus and Dark Samus remain capable of swift melee maneuvers through their aerial attacks. Coupled with a solid and multifaceted recovery, these characters showcase a deep yet accessible move pool.

Little Mac: One Punch Spells Doom

Though it’s important to acknowledge Little Mac’s shortcomings in terms of recovery and limited range, on big or flat stages, this character can thrive. Quick and powerful, Little Mac excels in delivering devastating punches capable of KO-ing opponents at low percentages.

The simplicity of this character makes it remarkably easy to play, even without extensive knowledge. Staying away from the edges of the map and capitalizing on Little Mac’s strength enables players to keep adversaries at bay.

Wolf: The Versatile Melee Fighter

With fierce claws and an arsenal of melee attacks, Wolf strikes a fearsome figure in battle, combining strength with agility. While his ground speed may be slow, his Smash Attacks boast low start-up and cooldown, sending foes soaring across the stage. Equally potent are his aerials, particularly the swift Neutral and Up Air moves, as well as the powerful Back Air, boasting deadly killing potential.

Additionally, Wolf wields one of the game’s finest projectiles with his Blaster, effectively deterring enemies from both short and long-range engagements. While he may not match the speed of rival Fox McCloud, Wolf stands as a formidable and versatile competitor.

Greninja: The Untouchable Ninja

Greninja, the ninja-like Pokemon, flaunts a relatively complex moveset compared to other beginner-friendly characters. Nevertheless, its low entry barrier makes it an irresistible choice for novices. Despite its capacity for intricate combos and vulnerability to launches, beginners will find Greninja an enjoyable character to master.

With remarkable speed, a teleporting attack that can catch opponents off guard, and a formidable projectile, Greninja offers all the tools necessary for success. As players invest more time and effort into mastering Greninja’s intricacies, the Pokemon’s destructive potential only magnifies.

Pit / Dark Pit: All-Rounders With Peerless Recovery

Both Pit and Dark Pit epitomize fantastic all-around fighters without any glaring weaknesses. Though they possess minor differences, each wields a versatile bow capable of executing both melee strikes and controllable, arrow-based aerial assaults. Moreover, with four midair jumps and a potent Up Special, their prowess in recovery sets them apart as invaluable assets for newcomers.

While their sword range may not rival that of other characters, the Pits’ balanced play style makes them an excellent choice for beginner players.

Rosalina & Luma: The Cosmic Duo of Control

Enter the cosmic duo of Rosalina & Luma, an unorthodox yet mesmerizing choice for those seeking unparalleled control on the battlefield. Rosalina, with the assistance of her celestial companion Luma, wields a unique playstyle that revolves around strategic positioning and exploiting Luma’s autonomous attacks.

Masters of spacing and zoning, Rosalina & Luma excel in maintaining distance from opponents while directing Luma to harass foes from afar. This dynamic duo can launch precise and relentless assaults, thwarting adversaries’ attempts to close the gap. Additionally, their incredible recovery capabilities make them a formidable force, ensuring they remain a challenge to pin down.

While mastering Rosalina & Luma may require a degree of finesse, the rewards are plentiful for those who dedicate themselves to harnessing their cosmic powers.

King Dedede: Royalty of Hammer Swings

Bowing to the whims of royalty, King Dedede steps forth as the regal wielder of hammers in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate realm. Despite his hefty appearance, King Dedede surprises all with unexpectedly nimble movements, making him one of the more mobile heavyweights.

Blessed with a mighty hammer, King Dedede’s Smash Attacks deliver incredible power, capable of launching opponents off the stage with ease. Furthermore, his Gordos – bouncy projectiles – offer strategic versatility, making it challenging for foes to predict his next move.

Beginners will revel in the raw strength and simplicity of King Dedede’s moves, embracing his kingly might to dominate the battlefield.

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Yoshi: Agile Egg-cellence in Battle

Venture into the realm of agile egg-cellence with Yoshi, the beloved dinosaur protagonist of the Mushroom Kingdom. Boasting remarkable speed and surprising mobility, Yoshi dances across the stage with grace, making him an alluring choice for players seeking a balanced mix of offense and defense.

Yoshi’s ability to lay eggs and use them as projectiles adds a unique twist to his gameplay, enabling players to control the battlefield from a distance. Moreover, his exceptional midair capabilities grant him precise control in aerial encounters.

Embrace the whimsical world of Yoshi, and you shall unearth a character brimming with nimble charm and unparalleled egg-citing surprises.

Piranha Plant: Flora of Deception

Embark on an unconventional journey with Piranha Plant, the botanical embodiment of deception and surprise. Despite being a literal potted plant, Piranha Plant thrives as a remarkably versatile fighter, catching opponents off guard with its unexpected maneuvers.

The Plant’s unique attributes include a long-ranged spiked ball that can be lobbed across the stage, creating a formidable zone of control. Additionally, its lethal biting attack allows it to seize unsuspecting foes and deal punishing blows.

Unleash the ingenuity of Piranha Plant, and you shall discover a character blooming with deceptive prowess and unanticipated potency.

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Lucario: Aura-Bathed Warrior

Harness the mystic aura of Lucario, the warrior attuned to the energies of battle. Lucario’s unique mechanic grants increased power as it sustains damage, making it a fearsome adversary capable of turning the tide in any contest.

As the damage taken accumulates, Lucario’s attacks grow progressively more potent, culminating in an explosive display of force when it reaches high percentages. This creates an enticing risk-reward dynamic that beckons players to seek out challenges even when their health wanes.

Embrace the aura-bathed warrior Lucario, and you shall discover a character whose strength grows with the intensity of the battle.

These characters, each wielding their own captivating playstyle and unique abilities, invite players to venture into the mesmerizing realm of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As you delve into the depths of their gameplay, may you find delight in mastering their nuances and unleashing their potential on the grand stage of battle.

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